Adam House Edinburgh, Old Town building photos, Scotland, Architect, Date, Chambers Street location, Images

Adam House Edinburgh Architecture

Modernism in Edinburgh & Lothian design by architect William Kininmonth, Scotland

post updated 14 February 2022

Address: Chambers Street

Date built: 1954-55

Design: William Kininmonth architect

Adam House Edinburgh

View from Cowgate of Chambers St University building.
Adam House Edinburgh
photo © Adrian Welch

Quirky but dynamic modern building, in an ascetic style more usual in Prague and Paris than Scotland’s capital:

Adam House Adam House Adam House Adam House
photos © Adrian Welch

Category B listed building in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is owned by the University of Edinburgh, and used as an examination hall.

Address: 3 Chambers St, Edinburgh EH8 9YL

Phone: 0131 650 1000

This building is the location of the university’s main examination halls throughout term time and turns into a venue for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
during August. The building houses a fully equipped theatre in the basement.

It is located within what is referred to as the Central Campus of the University of Edinburgh which is well served by public transport. The building is within approximately a quarter of a mile of the city centre and is within approximately one mile of the main student residences at Pollock Halls.


Front of the original building, in neoclassical style:
Adam House
photo © Adrian Welch

Adam House architect – William Kininmonth

Rear of the building, previously almost hidden prior to the Cowgate Fire:
Modern Building
photo © Adrian Welch
(Sorry, no larger image)

The Old Town Fire ripped out the heart of the Old Town’s World Heritage site damaging at least ten buildings. Adam House was designed by William Kininmonth and built to serve as an examination centre.

Edinburgh Architecture

Adam House context – Old Town Fire, Cowgate: Fire Comment

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