Advocate’s Close Edinburgh building, Architect, Picture, Architecture, Property

Advocate’s Close Edinburgh

Buildings for Station Properties Ltd design by Morgan McDonnell Architecture Ltd, Scotland

7 Sep 2016

Design: Morgan McDonnell Architecture Ltd

New photos of this interesting city centre project:

Advocates Close Edinburgh building

Advocate’s Close Edinburgh Property

Advocate's Close Edinburgh building

Advocate's Close Edinburgh building

Advocate's Close Edinburgh building

Advocate's Close Edinburgh building
photo © Adrian Welch

Advocate’s Close – News Update
Old Town development granted by Morgan McDonnell Ltd
Listed Building Consent Application Granted 19/09/2007

Morgan McDonnell Architecture Ltd – Edinburgh Old Town Development PR:

Advocate’s Close approval

Advocate's Close Roxburghs Court Advocates Close Edinburgh


Old Town design by Morgan McDonnell Architecture

morgan mcdonnell’s development proposal for Advocate’s Close receives planning approval

morgan mcdonnell architecture ltd achieved planning permission this week for a regeneration project within the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town.

The mixed use development, which is being project managed by Graham + Sibbald for Station Properties Ltd of Edinburgh, comprises 80 residential units alongside ground level commercial accommodation in one of the world’s most recognisable built environments which will breathe new life into a long neglected part of the World Heritage site.

Formerly City of Edinburgh Council offices, the majority of the existing buildings on the site are listed and date from the 16th century onwards. Despite their listed and conservation area status, years of public service and the changing face of the city have seen many modifications and changes, both internally and externally.

The scheme will restore and reinstate heritage features throughout the site, as well as providing a fresh focus for urban life within the area with landscaped public amenity spaces. Although regeneration is key to this project, the proposals include designs for new build elements, which compliment the complex vertical architectural character of this very distinctive city skyline.

The aspect of the site, situated as it is on the sharp incline of the ridge of Castle Rock and the High Street, presents many structural challenges for appointed structural engineers Buro Happold.

The proposal, which has been in development for over a year, has been supported throughout by extensive and constructive consultation, both with the Cockburn Association, Edinburgh’s Civic Trust, and the City of Edinburgh Council, as well as residents and other local parties.

Morgan McDonnell project : Waterloo Place, Edinburgh

Advocate’s Close
18 – 21 Market Street, 2 – 6 Cockburn Street, 343 High Street, 2 – 8 Advocate’s Close, Edinburgh
Alterations and extensions to existing office buildings to form mixed-use development comprising 80 flats with ground level retail, commercial leisure, offices and budget hotel

18 Market Street : bar
19 Market Street: restauarant
21 Market Street : ground level retail
6 Warriston’s Close: restauarant
343 High Street: restauarant

The project involves the re-opening of Roxburgh Close and a new pedestrian link from News Steps to Advocate’s Close

For Euthymios Angelis
Morgan McDonnell Ltd
Application received 11/12/06
Full Planning Application + Listed Building Consent Application: Minded to Grant 28/06/07

Advocate’s Close Edinburgh – architects:
morgan mcdonnell architecture ltd are a creative contemporary architectural studio based in the City of Edinburgh. Formed in 1996, the practice undertakes architectural work of all kinds, from new build to mixed use regeneration projects throughout Scotland and the UK.

The practice recently received the Development Management award at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning as part of the Shrubhill design team for the public consultation exercise for this sensitive brownfield site.
morgan mcdonnell architecture ltd: 0131 332 4200 /

Graham + Sibbald is one of Scotland’s largest independent multi-disciplined firms of Chartered Surveyors. The Partnership operates from a network of 14 offices across the UK. The Practice offers a complete range of Property Services including:
Residential & Commercial Valuations, Agency, Asset Management, Building Surveying, Healthcare, Investment, Licensed Trade & Leisure, Development Planning, Petroleum & Roadside, Business Rating & Appeals.

Graham + Sibbald’s client base is extensive with work being undertaken on behalf of both the Private and Public Sectors to which the Firm is determined to offer a first rate professional service, based on the unique combination local knowledge with the
specialist support and a national network of offices.

Graham + Sibbald, Edinburgh: 0131 240 5311

Advocate’s Close information from Morgan McDonnell, Architects, 280607

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Comments / photos for the Advocate’s Close Edinburgh Old Town Architecture page welcome