Edinburgh Landlords to upgrade safety compliance guide, Scottish capital property market checks, Scotland social homes
Landlords in Edinburgh need to upgrade their safety compliance
29 December 2023
Tenants and future house owners are affected by soaring housing prices and the current market crisis in which landlords are increasing their prices, and mortgages are becoming challenging to keep up with. Living in temporary accommodation is the only feasible solution, while the ones who can are moving in back with their parents, whether it’s in the countryside or in a faraway town. The situation in the entire UK is not so great, especially in Scotland, where total households become homeless at a rapid rate.
At the moment, more than 243,000 people are waiting for a place in social homes. Still, since there’s a significant shortfall of availability, people are on never-ending waiting lists or are living in poor conditions that violate human rights.
Besides problems with homelessness, landlords aren’t that offering when it comes to decent living spaces, as the minimum wage cannot sustain their prices. Ideally, this is how a landlord should act in regard to the market and the customer.
Edinburgh has the most expensive streets
It seems like Edinburgh has one of the fanciest streets in Scotland, where a property reached as much as £1.7 million. Unfortunately, their expensive value is driving the prices of nearby properties to rise despite providing miraculous conditions. On top of struggling to afford rent in a basic two-bedroom apartment, if you walk a few meters on the same street, you’ll find houses with mould that have only been painted over by the landlords. The council hasn’t done anything in this matter, and families with children are afraid of mould illnesses and allergies.
Although there are solutions for people to get justice in case they find mould in a rented house. Prolonged exposure can enhance asthma symptoms but also lead to severe health problems, so if people have been deceived into living in such a place, they can sue for compensation, according to https://www.howmuchcompensation.co.uk/.
Airbnb is a contributively factor to rising costs
Airbnb and other similar platforms that offer tourist accommodation are among the leading causes of inflated rents. Although these businesses support the local economy, their renting costs are exaggerated, especially during the holiday season or on special events. The real problem is that their prices are driving the rental market to the sky.
The government has taken measures to slow down the boom of tourist accommodation prices, even though companies and landlords weren’t happy with the decision. Indeed, Edinburgh has relied heavily on tourism through the years, but citizens need this measure to have a chance of owning a house.
How easy can you rent a flat in Edinburgh?
As expected, the rental market is challenging to face as a tenant since demand is astronomical. The costs are considerably rising, and if you happen to be in need of accommodation during the seasonal student market, then expect rent to be even more exaggerated. Only London and Bristol are above Edinburgh, so know it’ll be difficult to find your own place.
However, if you’ve decided to look for a place here, you must be wary of how it works. For example, learn to be slightly suspicious when viewing photos of the property since landlords are used to making wide-angled photos to make the rooms seem bigger and avoid describing too much about the place to attract more people willing to take the flat without too much fuss.
You can also book an instant viewing of the house without contacting the agent, which would facilitate the renting or buying process. You only need to agree on a proper time with the landlord. If you like the property, remember not to be fooled by the landlord if you’re the first to put the deposit down. You may be one of the few who want to secure the property, so make sure you know a little more about the landlord before trusting them.
What to know about the landlord’s responsibility
Learning about a landlord’s responsibility will help you rent the right place where you won’t be bothered by mould or pipe problems. Check the news and latest regulations and be ready to correct landlords when it comes to their responsibilities because some might want to take advantage of you. For example, since 2022, all homes in Edinburgh must be equipped with smoke and heat alarms connected to each other. The new fire safety legislation has already been implemented, and all residents must comply with it, especially landlords whose properties must meet the new standards.
At the same time, landlords must provide the following:
- A valid EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) for up to ten years with a rating of at least E;
- A PAT (Portable Appliance Test) to all appliances in the house;
- A Gas Certificate Certificate that shows gas installations are checked annually;
- Carbon Monoxide alarms and detectors;
- Legionella Risk Assessment through a professional;
- A Tenancy Agreement that contains all the terms and compliances;
Edinburgh housing market to be back after 2027
Experts of the housing market in the UK discussed the possibility of the prices returning to normal, or at least at closer rates to the pre-pandemic period only after 2027. Inflation, geopolitical issues and unemployment rates contribute to the increasing living cost, so we should expect the following years to be complicated.
The rental market in Edinburgh is also known to be dominated by a handful of landlords who own the majority of properties for rent, which might change over the years, bringing a more sustainable and affordable way for people to rent houses since landlords may scatter. At the same time, the council’s involvement should trigger a change in the future.
Edinburgh Landlords to upgrade safety compliance – Final considerations
Edinburgh has become one of the most expensive cities in the UK to rent or buy a house. The causes for this situation include the pandemic, worldwide conflicts and the competitiveness among tourists’ accommodations that drive local prices up during specific periods. It is tough to find a decent place to live in at the moment, and the homelessness in Edinburgh is worrying. However, things might take a good turn in only a few years.
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