Edinburgh Photographs, Architecture Scotland, Scottish Building Pictures, Architectural Images

Edinburgh Photographs: Architecture Images

Image Credits

Scottish Architectural Photography

Images are not to be copied without permission

Edinburgh Photos by Adrian Welch are available for a small fee:


Format: generally 900 pixels wide landscape or 650 pixels wide portrait; larger images may be available upon request

Edinburgh Photos

Homepage + News: varies monthly

Where possible credits for photographers appear but are dependent on information given by parties providing the image(s).

Old Town Photos– Complete List

Fruitmarket Adrian Welch; text link: A.Welch Fruitmarket: existing Richard Murphy Architects
Fruitmarket: new Richard Murphy Architects Fruitmarket: interior Richard Murphy Architects
Northern Lights#1 @ FMG Peter Fink – image; A.Welch – photo Northern Lights#2 @ FMG Peter Fink – image; A.Welch – photo
Northern Lights: wings Adrian Welch Stills Gallery Adrian Welch
Pizza Express Adrian Welch RFAC Adrian Welch
Old Town fishbone view Charles McKean’s Guide Canongate Housing Richard Murphy Architects
Canongate Housing Richard Murphy Architects Canongate Housing Richard Murphy Architects
Scottish Poetry Library Adrian Welch; text link: A.Welch Cranes / Dynamic Earth Adrian Welch
Parliament model RMJM Scotland Ltd Parliament: 9 image links RMJM Scotland Ltd
Parliament MSP image Adrian Welch Parliament MSP image Adrian Welch
Parliament MSP image Adrian Welch The Park Adrian Welch
Dynamic Earth Adrian Welch Dynamic Earth Adrian Welch
The Tun AMA: Cameron Welsh The Tun AMA: Cameron Welsh
Housing:MacLachlan Steffen Schefer Housing:Ungless&Latimer Adrian Welch
Old College Adrian Welch Royal Museum Adrian Welch
Former Dental School Lee Boyd Beluga Beluga
Beluga links Beluga University Library Adrian Welch
University Library link Stefen Scheffer University Library link Steffen Schefer
Festival Theatre Adrian Welch Festival Theatre Adrian Welch
Museum of Scotland Adrian Welch; text link: B&F Museum of Scotland page Entry hall: B&F – Richard Bryant
Museum of Scotland page West Elevation: B&F- Helen Binet Museum of Scotland page Rotunda – Adrian Welch
Museum of Scotland page Court: B&F – Richard Bryant Museum of Scotland page ‘Chasm’ – B&F
Museum of Scotland page Roof view: B&F – Richard Bryant Museum of Scotland page South Court : B&F –
Richard Bryant
Museum of Scotland page Basement shot: B&F- Helen Binet Museum of Scotland page Basement shot: B&F-
Helen Binet
Tron Kirk Adrian Welch Tron Housing Richard Murphy Architects
Tron Nursery AMA: Steven McGillivary The Hub Adrian Welch
Old Town model Adrian Welch Castle drawing Charles McKean’s Guide

Lothian Road Photos – Complete List

Dance Base Adrian Welch; text links: MFA. Metro Restaurant Adrian Welch
Point Hotel Steffen Schefer; links: Schefer Monboddo’s Bar Steffen Schefer
Saltire Court Adrian Welch Exchange Masterplan Sean Gallagher
Edinburgh One Adrian Welch Scottish Widows Adrian Welch
EICC parapet Adrian Welch EICC entry Jonathan Speirs & Associates
Sheraton Health Club Adrian Welch Sheraton Health Club link David Churchill
City Travel Inn Adrian Welch RIAS: text link Adrian Welch
Caledonian Hotel Adrian Welch

New Town Photos – Complete List

Dean Gallery: Tower Adrian Welch Dean Gallery: frontage Tim Soar copyright
Dean Gallery: interior link Terry Farrell & Partners SNGMA: frontage Adrian Welch
SNGMA: Gymnasium Lee Boyd Partnership SNGMA: Gymnasium link Lee Boyd Partnership
SNGMA: Gymnasium link Lee Boyd Partnership The Bonham Entry Adrian Welch
The Bonham Dining Rm. Steffen Schefer Pizza Express Keith Hunter
West Register House Adrian Welch Georgian House Adrian Welch
RSA Project Model Keith Hunter RSA context view Adrian Welch
RSA Project Model Keith Hunter RSA Project Model Keith Hunter
National Gallery Adrian Welch rick’s Malcolm Fraser Architects
rick’s:Description shots Malcolm Fraser Architects Scott Monument Adrian Welch
Balmoral Hotel Adrian Welch Register House Adrian Welch
Waverley Station Model text link: Matthew Priestman Arch. Waverley Station Model Duffy & Batt Architects
St.Jame’s Centre Adrian Welch John Lewis’s Adrian Welch
Calton Square Pixel Image Calton Square: on site Adrian Welch
Calton Square: on site Antony Macnaghten Calton Square: model AMA
Calton Square: w/colour Jim Douglas Calton Square: on site Antony Macnaghten
Calton Square: on site Adrian Welch Scottish Provident Adrian Welch
The Walk-Harvey Nic’s Comprehensive Design Scot. Nat. Portrait Gall. Adrian Welch
New Town: Moray Place Richard Murphy Architects Dublin St. Housing Richard Murphy Architects
Dublin St. Housing Richard Murphy Architects Dublin St. Housing: link David Churchill
Pizza Express Keith Hunter Moray Place Richard Murphy Architects
Moray Place Richard Murphy Architects Moray Place Richard Murphy Architects
Nelson’s Monument Adrian Welch Duguld Stewart Monmnt. Adrian Welch
Calton Hill Adrian Welch Royal High School Adrian Welch
St. Andrew’s House Adrian Welch St. Andrew’s detail Adrian Welch
St. Andrew’s House Adrian Welch 17 Royal Terrace Mews Richard Murphy Architects

Leith Photos – Complete List

Gateway Theatre Adrian Welch SSM Studio Smith Scott Mullan Architects
Water of Leith Adrian Welch Commercial Quay Adrian Welch
The Shore Adrian Welch Coalhill by night AMA: Cameron Welsh
Coalhill Housing AMA: Cameron Welsh Coalhill Housing Adrian Welch
Ronaldson’s Wharf 3Di for Dignan Read Dewar Ronaldson’s Wharf Fraser Brown Mackenna
Ronaldson’s Wharf Fraser Brown Mackenna Mus of Scot. Store Charles McKean’s Guide
Warehouses Adrian Welch Realise Adrian Welch
Scottish Executive Adrian Welch Scottish Executive Adrian Welch
Ocean Terminal Adrian Welch Ocean Terminal Conran & Partners
Britannia VC Conran & Partners Ocean Heights Holmes Partnership
Malmaison Hotel Adrian Welch Signal Tower Adrian Welch
Prop. Parliament Benson & Forsyth Port of Leith H.A. Lee Boyd Partnership

Edinburgh Park Photos – Complete List

BT Building Adrian Welch G4 Competition Dignan Read Dewar
G4 Competition Richard Murphy Architects G4 Competition Dignan Read Dewar
BT Building Steffen Schefer BT Building Steffen Schefer
D3 Aegon HQ Keith Hunter D3 Aegon HQ Keith Hunter
D3 Aegon HQ Keith Hunter D3 Aegon HQ Keith Hunter
G1 UDV HQ Allan Murray Architects G1 UDV HQ Allan Murray Architects
G1 UDV HQ Allan Murray Architects G2 Lochside Ho. Keith Hunter
G1north Adrian Welch G1 corner Adrian Welch
G2 Lochside Ho. Keith Hunter G3 Page & Park Architects
Site A model Allan Murray Architects A3 Building Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop
A2 south-west Adrian Welch A2 south Adrian Welch
A4 Building CZWG Architects A4 north-east Adrian Welch

Edinburgh suburbs / Lothians Photos – Complete List

Water of Leith VC Malcolm Fraser Architects HMP Edinburgh Gareth Hoskins Architects
Napier University Richard Murphy Architects Slateford Green Adrian Welch
Slateford Green Adrian Welch Murrayfield Adrian Welch
Belford Rd. Richard Murphy Architects Greenbank P.C. Lee Boyd Partnership
47 Gilmour Rd. Richard Murphy Architects 47 Gilmour Rd. Richard Murphy Architects
Colinton Church Page & Park Architects Canaan Lane Lee Boyd Partnership
7 Abbotsford Pk. Richard Murphy Architects Maggies Centre Richard Murphy Architects
Maggies Centre Richard Murphy Architects 29 Inverleith Gdns. Richard Murphy Architects
Hawthornden Sch. Ungless & Latimer Ivy Bank House Richard Murphy Architects
Harmeny School Richard Murphy Architects Harmeny School Richard Murphy Architects
21 Essex Rd. Richard Murphy Architects

Early 20th C. Arch. Photos – Complete List

Craigsbank Church Adrian Welch Lismhor provided by owner
St Andrew’s Ch. Adrian Welch Maybury R/house Adrian Welch
Blackford Hill Winifred Silitto Mortonhall Crem. Adrian Welch
George Watson’s Henk Snoek George Watson’s Henk Snoek
Standard Life Henk Snoek Standard Life Henk Snoek
Commonwealth Pool RMJM Architects Adam House Adrian Welch
The Rink Adrian Welch Riverside Drive Adrian Welch

2001 Photos – Complete List

Edinburgh Map Adrian Welch Scot. Parliament RMJM Architects
A4 Building CZWG Architects Northern Lights Peter Fink; Adrian Welch
The Tun AMA: Cameron Welsh Coalhill Housing AMA: Cameron Welsh
Ocean Terminal Conran & Partners Tron Square Ho. Richard Murphy Architects
The Walk Comprehensive Design Calton Square AMA: Cameron Welsh
Guided Bus Route City of Edinburgh Council Exchange Tower Comprehensive Design
Playfair Project John Miller & Partners Calton Gate Gensler; Hackland & Dore
Royal Infirmary Keppie Design A3 Building Murray Dunlop Architects

Credits for Edinburgh Architecture Photos are dependent on information given by parties providing the image(s).
www.edinburgharchitecture.co.uk do not hold responsibility for inaccuracies.
Please advise immediately if a photo credit has been incorrectly stated.

Scottish Castles

Edinburgh Building Designs

Contemporary Edinburgh Architectural Designs – recent selection from this website:


Scottish Parliament

Missoni Hotel Edinburgh

New Town Harvey Nichols

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EDI Princes Street Galleries Edinburgh design by Gareth Hoskins Architects - Edinburgh Photographs
image courtesy of the architects office

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Major Scottish Capital Architectural Images

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