Facing bricks advice, Construction material guide, Building brickwork tips
Facing Bricks: Head-On Appeal
18 May 2022
If you want a rustic, hand-made look to your home’s appeal, what you’re looking for isn’t necessarily a full-scale teardown renovation. What you want first and foremost is a good siding of facing bricks.
What are Facing Bricks?
Facing bricks are aptly named. They are the bricks which face the visible portion of the building. This can be the front side of a home flanked by fencing or the front of a building that’s otherwise packed in tight between two others. The main use for this product isn’t structural, it’s fashionable. They are made to be appealing first, and are used as exterior walling or tiling more than viable construction.
But they do have advantages over other kinds of siding. They are dense and resistant to most forms of weathering damage. They’re easy to clean and maintain as well, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Yes, with facing bricks you can have different shapes that don’t quite match to give it a house a real hand-made, anything-goes style to the outside. It’s cozy and rustic without sacrificing integrity or comfort.
How to Get Facing Bricks
Facing bricks are just one of many types of bricks available from sellers anywhere. Home and garden, home renovation or specialty brick wholesale can sell them. The make and variety depends on the manufacturer, but generally they can come in any kind of shapes or sizes.
Some facing bricks are actually reclaimed bricks that were once part of a building which underwent demolition or restructuring, leaving the brickwork in pieces – https://brickwholesale.co.uk/bricks/facing-bricks/. But pieces are enough for a good facing brick appearance. This means they can come in all kinds of colors or sizes, from thick simple rectangles to thin slates or smaller cubes. The whole idea is about looking good with as much variation as there is choice of style in home ownership.
Some wholesale can also make them as custom orders to appeal to specific tastes and desires. If you ever wanted a classic red brick wall but don’t want to rebuild the front of a house to get it, you can install a facing brick wall of red bricks to get the same appeal. They can be customized with stamped designs baked into the clay or even be made by hand to match a very specific need, but the more customized they are the more expensive the process becomes.
Because there is no need to worry about structural support, they can be arranged in any way for maximum appeal. There are types for any style of home or business to give it a curbside appeal and make it look like a hand-made home is waiting on the other side. The best place to get them is locally. See what’s on sale in your area and get it shipped out so you can start laying them up just the way you want.
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