Savour the Portuguese Architecture on the Camino de Santiago tips, Portugal holiday guide

Savour the Portuguese Architecture on the Camino de Santiago

11 July 2022

Since the 11th century Christian pilgrims have been making the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. Today, to fit in with the 21st century lifestyle, there are plenty of route choices where you can opt to walk all or part of the month long trip. There are also various starting points with walking tours from France and Portugal being particularly popular.

Portuguese architecture on the Camino de Santiago

The official end of the pilgrimage is when you arrive at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. Should you walk more than 100kms on your pilgrimage you’ll receive your Compostela Certificate.

As well as Christian pilgrims the Camino de Santiago is popular with hikers.

With this in mind, let’s look at Camino de Santiago tours that begin in Portugal which many choose thanks to the history, culture, cuisine, coastal routes, and architecture.

Camino Portuguese

The Camino Portuguese allows you to walk the whole pilgrimage or a section of it. Most walking tours take around seven days and you’ll walk anywhere up to 32 km in one day.

If you are a fan of architecture you’ll love the different styles that range from gothic to medieval, to modern day masterpieces.

Camino de Santiago from Sarria

The seven day tour begins in Sarria a medieval town and here you can get supplies for your trip. The medieval architecture is inspiring and discovering the history around the town is fascinating. Once you take your first step on your adventure you’ll soon arrive in Portomarin and be greeted by the River Minho. Here you’ll find the magnificent Church of Santiago de Barbadelo.

The journey continues through woodlands and meadows and you’ll get to see gems such as the Church of Santa Maria. You’ll also meet like-minded hikers and pilgrims.

Camino Portuguese Costal Route

The Camino Portugal coastal routes are very popular among pilgrims and hikers. There is something special about walking with the Atlantic Ocean in full view. There is a range of options to make the Camino de Santiago with the more adventurous making a 14 day hike. Some are more adventurous and will go for the full thirty day tour.

It is easy to see why people love making the coastal journey. One of the wonderful things about the Camino de Santiago is that you’re very often off the beaten track and instead, walking through regions few tourists see.

Archaeological sites in particular are often found, with gems that date back to Roman times are there for you to savour.

Cies Islands feature on the Camino coastal route as does some real architectural gems:

  • Shrine of the Virgin Pilgrim
  • Monument to the Encounter between Two Worlds (Pinta Caravel Museum).
  • The house of Estanislao Duran.
  • Collegiate Church of Santa Maria

Of course, it isn’t just architecture on the Camino de Santiago. Beaches, woodland, amazing food, and historic quarters in every town and village you find.

The Camino de Santiago is one of the most amazing holidays you can have. It is inspiring, life enriching, and you will have an amazing experience. Make sure you walk it as soon as you can.

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