What to do garden with after harvest guide, Home growing advice, Gardening tips

What To Do Garden With After Harvest Guide

1 January 2022

What to do garden with after harvest

Introduction – What to do garden with after harvest

I’m not going to lie. After grooming the garden throughout the spring and summer, I look forward to reducing the autumn harvest and outdoor chores (usually it’s just time to take care of the lazy chores!).

Due to our short growing season in the northeast, cool air means it’s time to stuff the garden and prepare for the next snow. As important as waking up in the spring is laying the garden properly for winter.

Now let’s adapt the garden to a long winter sleep and ensure a fruitful harvest next year!

Step 1:

Harvest everything that is still growing. Green tomatoes, I’m looking at you! It’s time for the last straggler to be chosen. Leave the green tomatoes in a sunny window and they will ripen. Sunflower heads are harvested and placed in a paper bag to dry. What you have to do is cut all types of herbs and hang them to completely sir dry or else you can do is freeze in oil during the winter only.

Step 2:

Dismantle all plants. You can cut it with scissors or remove the roots. Healthy plants can be added to the compost. If there are signs of illness, place a plastic bag on the plant and carefully pull it out at the root. Discard the plant. I don’t want spores to invade the soil or spread throughout the compost

Step 3:

Add compost Finally, it’s time to use all the nice compost that has matured throughout the summer! My compost box is divided into two sides, so I put the material on one side from January to June, let it age, and put it in the autumn garden. On the other side, add material in July and December, compost in winter, and then add to the garden in spring.

Step 4:

Plant cover plant What is a covered crop? Catch crops are like wizards of organic soil.

Large holders have been using catch crops for over a century and can even incorporate them into their gardens.

Many home gardeners overlook this very simple and effective tool because they think they need special equipment to mow under the crop in the spring, but all they need is a shovel (However, the tiller works faster). The plant absorbs sunlight throughout the winter and distributes sugar and microbes to your soil through its roots.

In the spring, cut the crop before the flowers bloom or sow. It can be knocked down near the ground using mowing or herbicides. Place the cut plants on the surface of the soil for a day or two to dry a little, then dig (or dig out) all that nice organic matter in the garden bed.

Wait 23 weeks for the incorporated plants to begin to decompose and your garden to be ready for the season. Select crops: You can do a quick Google search for “cover crops” which should give you a proper and good list of cover crops that your state or country grows near you in bulk.

Usually, it is a mixture of grass and legumes. Choosing your crop based is also an option that is a very interesting and reliable option for people like me. If weed control is needed, fast-growing crops such as buckwheat are best.

Sowing: Catch crops should be planted approximately 4 weeks before the first frosty day in your area. Lightly scrape the yard beds to loosen the soil (or have your farm dog or chicken dig up these beds!). Spread seeds and scoop up again to loosely cover the seeds.

If you have free-range chickens, do not put them out in the yard for a few weeks until the harvest is settled. You can easily water it once it’s dry, but once a week it’s enough to settle down. After the harvest is a few inches, I like to mulch it with leaves.

Step 5:

We should always clean and store gardening tools properly once the work is done. The final and also very essential step is to take care of your gardening tools. Use a wire brush and hose to remove dirt and rust. Moist floors and studded floors are the most common cause of tool rust. Place the utensil in the sun to dry or rag and store for winter

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