Architecture firm marketing guide, Architectural lead generation tips, Online USP advice

Architecture firm marketing – ways to attract clients

23 Mar 2021

When it comes to hiring architects, project owners always trust two sources.

One is the recommendation from friends, family, and colleagues. And the other is internet recommendation.

Architecture firm marketing: 5 little known ways to attract clients

Seeing as most project owners don’t know too much about architectural proceedings, they trust people who have had projects done or who know better than them to recommend architects. Other times, they search the internet (Google and social media) for the most reputable architecture firms around.

As an architecture firm in search of new clients, these two sources are your primary marketing targets. That is, finding clients through word-of-mouth marketing and internet marketing.

In this article, we’ll show you some strategies you can use to attract clients using these two forms of marketing.

Architecture firm marketing advice

How to attract architecture clients via internet (digital) marketing

  1. Use an architecture lead generation service

The first and the most effective digital marketing strategy for architects is the use of architecture lead generation service.

Generally speaking, a lead generation service is simply an advert agency that specializes in running online ads for businesses to attract people to the business. In the case of an architecture firm, the job of a lead generation service would be to publish online ads for the firm to attract architecture clients.

If you go online right now and search for London architect or Visalia architect, you’ll most likely see something like this:

What you see above is an example of an ad placement done by a lead generation company for some architecture firms.

When a prospect clicks on the ad, they’ll be taken to a survey page that looks like this:

Architecture firm marketing guide

For every prospect that fills the survey, their contact information is sent to every architecture firm that has subscribed to that lead generation service. From this point, each firm now has the chance to pitch their unique selling proposition (USP) to the client, and anyone who’s able to convince the client best gets the deal.

Popular architecture lead generation service includes:

  1. Leveraging social media

Social media is there for everyone, architects included. All you need to do is play your cards right. And the first step to doing that is to understand the best platform to use.

Facebook: With quality posts and advert campaigns you can use Facebook to make your firm appear in the faces of people that are searching for architects or that may be interested in anything architecture-related.

LinkedIn: works well for building business-to-business relationships. But who knows, you just might build relationships that are strong enough to send clients your way. My recommendation is to look for those businesses that might share audiences with you, and then build relationships with them. For example, surveyors, realtors, property builders, home remodelers, etc.

Instagram: Instagram is perfect for putting your best works and experience in the faces of people who may be interested in architecture services. To make Instagram marketing work faster, you may buy real Instagram likes for all your posts so that people can think your works are loved by many and will be wooed into working with you.

  1. Use Google My Business Listing

Another way to leverage internet marketing to find architecture clients is the use of Google My Business listing.

Notice that when you searched for Visalia architect earlier you probably saw a list of architects with their contact information below the lead-generation advert space.

Something like this:

Architecture firm marketing: attract clients

Well, architecture firms that appear here are those that have optimized their business for Google Listing. You, too, can do a similar thing for your firm. Just go here to launch a Google My Business page.

The beauty of Google My Business is you can create for as many cities or locations as you like provided you truly exist in those areas.

Why Google My Business makes so much sense is because people most times go to Google to search for architects in certain areas. For example, people do searches like “architects near me”, “architect firm in {name of city}”, “best architect firm around me”, and so on.

When project owners search for architects like this, Google shows them a list of architecture firms that have optimized for My Business Listing.

  1. Getting published

Getting published in traditional and digital media like newspapers, local magazines, architecture publications, online blogs, online publications, etc. is also an effective way to expose your business to prospective clients.

If there is a local magazine that releases publications in your immediate locality or a nearby town, reach out to them to land a spot on one of their pages. Alternatively, you can reach out to national or state publications relating to your line of work.

As far as digital publications go, you can land a spot on any popular blogs or websites that you know prospective clients like to visit. Landing a spot on websites or blogs can come in the form of running an ad, sending featured posts, or creating guest posts.

The idea is to appear on as many blogs as possible. Just ensure any site you’re appearing on is one that has your prospective targets for visitors. Popular blogs that may share audiences with an architecture firm include:

  • Mortgage blogs
  • Real estate blogs (house selling, leasing, renting, buying, etc.)
  • Any blog relating to homeowning (home décor, housekeeping, home remodeling, house renovation)
  • Property Construction etc.

How to attract architecture clients via word-of-mouth marketing

  1. Public speaking

Public speaking is a good way to creep into the minds of people. Provided your speech and teachings are convincing, people will recommend you to their friends and family even though they haven’t worked with you before.

To execute this strategy, you need to find an opportunity to speak about expertise to potential clients.

Opportunities can come in the form of industry conferences, conventions, tradeshows, or any public events you feel has attendants that might be interested in your service.

Alternatively, you can organize and host a workshop. For instance, if homeowners are your target audience, you can organize a ‘remodel ideas’ workshop.

  1. Leverage your network

We all have friends, colleagues, ex-classmates, neighbors, and family members. You will be surprised at the number of leads these people can send our way if we just asked.

I don’t know whether it has occurred to you before that your friends also have friends, and their friends have friends, and on and on. If you just reached out to the ones you know and ask them if they know anyone that is considering a project, you just might land a long list of clients to work with.

Same with your neighbors. I’m sure many of them don’t even know what you do for a living, let alone that you have an architecture firm. If you’ll just reach out to them, and inform them of your expertise, they might have a project for you or know someone who does.

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