Edinburgh Botanic Gardens photos, Building architecture, Inverleith landscape pictures

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

Glasshouse photographs, Inverleith, Edinburgh, Scotland architectural design and garden spaces.

post updated 19 February 2025

2 Aug 2019
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Biomes

Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden News

£35m proposals abandoned due to threatened funding cuts: scheme to replace the Britain’s largest glasshouse halted despite officials warning they have an “appalling carbon footprint”.

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Plant Houses

The current glasshouses (1967 by the PSA) cost a huge sum in repair and general maintenance and have massive running costs. Long-term a new efficient and sustainable glasshouse needs to be constructed, the only question – given current financial strictures – should be ‘when’. 11 Nov 2010


Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Photographs

Temperate Palm House
Tallest Victorian glasshouse in the world
Date built: 1858
Palm House – exterior:
Palm House Palm House Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Palm House Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Palm House Royal Botanic Gardens

Palm House building interior:
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Temperate Palm House interior

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Temperate Palm House

Plant Houses
Date built: 1967
Property Services Agency – PSA
Modern greenhouse building:
Plant Houses Plant Houses Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Plant Houses Royal Botanic Gardens

The landscape around the south side of the Plant Houses building
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

The Herbarium
Date built: 1964
New Herbarium and Library Building:
Herbarium Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Herbarium Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

The Terrace Cafe
Date built: 1989
Botanic Gardens Cafe, adjacent to Inverleith House:
Terrace Cafe Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Terrace Cafe Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

Inverleith House
Date built: 1774
Architect: David Henderson
Inverleith House : north facade & south facade
Inverleith House Inverleith House Edinburgh

Botanics East Gate
Design: Ben Tindall Architects
Botanics East Gate
Edinburgh Botanic Gardens : photos © Adrian Welch jan 2007

Edinburgh Botanic Gardens Competition
won by Edward Cullinan Architects 2003

West Gate:
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Edward Cullinan Architects
gardens image from RBGE

Botanics Shop, West Gate
Ben Tindall

Edinburgh Botanic Gardens – East Gate:
Edinburgh Botanic Gardens East Gate
photograph © Adrian Welch

Edward Cullinan Architects in Edinburgh:
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

Royal Botanic Gardens

Royal Botanic Gardens NVA

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Biomes

Botanic Gardens Edinburgh – Contact
0131 552 7171
Address: 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5QH

Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

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9 Benefits Of Investing In Greenhouses Guide

Comments / photos for the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens Architecture page welcome